OIC Community-Based Approach to Literacy

The Opportunities Industrialization Center (OIC) is unlike any other Adult Literacy program in the State of Oklahoma because of our approach to Literacy. Since 1966, OIC has served Oklahoma City.  OIC’s Director of Curriculum, Chris Myers, provides a community-based approach when engaging learners in his classroom. The classroom is like a village where each program participant contributes to the learning outcomes of the whole class.  Students are not pencil-pushers who are glued to a desk–the classroom utilizes teamwork to solve problems.  We are stronger together.

OIC creates individualized curriculum designed to reach and inspire lifelong learning and a growth mindset. Individual learners are in a constant state of evaluation, not just placement tests at the beginning and ending.  It is an environment of constant coaching.  Learners are encouraged to create benchmarks and achievable goals throughout their program of interest. OIC attempts to challenge students to discover what their next steps are going to be for the next five years.

Students are coached to be active participants in their learning outcomes.  Our unique cognitive growth programs, like Exit to Success and Brain Train Academy, help students to develop a growth versus a fixed learning mindset. Learners identify their learning styles and discover how to grow their brains through classroom participation and real-world applications.

The immersion programming at OIC allows students to embrace all opportunities life gives them to learn. OIC is a knowledge community that stretches beyond the walls of our building. OIC invites community organizations and experts to present information on relevant topics like health, budgeting money, and careers. Also, OIC students step out of the classroom and volunteers in the community.  This giving back keeps their brain sharp and allows them to cultivate new skills.


Director of Curriculum Describes OIC in a short Video


Student Huai Kim’s Story

Please join us in welcoming our newest American Citizen–Huai Kim!  Huai has worked diligently to put in long hours of practice in order to pass her high school diploma. She officially passed her test in December 2017.  We are proud to announce that last week she was sworn in and has officially become a Citizen of the United States of America – which is not an easy task on its own.

We are in awe of her diligence, each step she took was an incredible accomplishment alone, but to accomplish these feats within months of each other, well, we think it is huge – HUGE!   Huai and her OIC tutor, Fran Roach, have dedicated long hours to help her to get to where she is today.

Not one to give up, Huai is now working on enrolling in Oklahoma City Community College.  She continues to dedicate long hours with her tutor to improve her English skills.  Huai remains very active in her church and her community.  She is constantly helping other immigrants from Myanmar, her native county, helping them learn English and find resources.

Fran Roach, Huai’s tutor states, “It has been a delight working with Huai and getting to know her the last two and a half years.  She has worked very hard to obtain both her diploma and her American citizenship, and I greatly admire her diligence and energy.  It was very inspiring to attend her citizenship ceremony.  It was a good reminder of how fortunate we are in this country and how easy it is to take it for granted.”

Lanning states, “I am always a proud American, however, today, I am overwhelmed watching 25 individuals become American citizens, and yes, I cried!  The amount of time and effort these patriots had to commit to is incredible.  Being an American should never be taken for granted and I know that is easy to do.”  We have no doubt that Huai will continue to inspire us all! We are proud of your hard work and perseverance. Thank you for letting OIC be a part of your journey!   #StrongerThanEver


The mission of Opportunities Industrialization Center of Oklahoma County, Inc. (OIC) is to inspire and motivate adult learners through academic and career education.