Mental Health: Self-Care

What do you think about?  It’s more common for individuals to think of their physical health before they ponder their mental health.  In fact, the two go hand-in-hand.  If our mental health is unhealthy, then our physical health begins to lack its vitality.  If we have challenges with our physical health, then our mental health may decrease.   Mental Health First Aid USA is an excellent source of information regarding mental health.

Below we have shared portions from a post which includes important information regarding self-care from Mental Health First Aid USA website. 

With mental health challenges on the increase– rates of depression alone have tripled during the COVID-19 pandemic — it’s possible that you may find yourself or someone you know in need of support. To be equipped to offer that support, you need to take care of yourself.

Engaging in a self-care routine has been clinically proven to reduce or eliminate anxiety and depression, reduce stress, increase happiness, and more. It can help you adapt to changes, build strong relationships, and recover from setbacks.

Self-care goals can include:

  1. Take care of your physical and psychological health.
  2. Manage and reduce stress.
  3. Recognize your emotional and spiritual needs.
  4. Foster and sustain relationships.
  5. Achieve balance in different areas of your life.

The activities you chose to participate in for your self-care should help you achieve balance in different areas of your life to promote your overall wellness.

  • Move more. Physical activity can help the brain cope better with stress, making it beneficial in the treatment of depression and anxiety symptoms.
  • Eat a healthy, balanced diet. What we eat and drink can affect our body’s ability to prevent, fight and recover from infections, and it can impact our mood.
  • Prioritize sleep. Sleep has a significant impact on how you feel mentally and physically. With all of the challenges from the pandemic, you may be experiencing elevated stress levels, but adequate sleep can maximize your chances of having better days. Getting enough sleep will help regulate your mood, improve brain function, and increase your energy to help tackle the day.
  • Plan self-care and set boundaries. Take a moment to think about the best methods to move forward in your life and stay grounded. It’s critical to schedule regular self-care time – plan time to do something that gives you joy and helps you recharge.

For more tips on how you can support yourself and those around you with self-care practices, check out the original article from Mental Health First Aid from the National Council of Mental Wellbeing.