National Suicide Prevention Month
This September is National Suicide Prevention Month, an opportunity to face this longstanding, pervasive public health crisis head on. In Oklahoma, suicide is the second leading cause of death for 10–24 year-olds and the 10th leading cause of death for people of all ages.
The phone number promoted universally for suicide prevention and crisis intervention is the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (800-273-TALK – 8255). In Oklahoma, HeartLine answers the Lifeline and chat services for 76 counties, providing free 24/7 confidential, compassionate support to people in emotional distress.
We know times are tough and we ask you to join us in the #30DaysofHopeOK challenge. For the month of September, we challenge you to commit to writing, posting, texting, calling or emailing a message of hope for 30days. Whether on social media, toward people in your family or others in your life, take a moment each day this month to promote HOPE.
As Oklahomans we are resilient and we can make a difference. Working together, we can change the conversation from suicide’s prevalence to suicide prevention. To help someone who may be suicidal, here are five steps:

HeartLine is here for anyone, any age, any time of day– whether you’re an essential worker on the frontlines of the pandemic or at home trying to make sense of life. Please know that any contribution to HeartLine is a gift to help make certain that we are fully staffed and have the financial resources needed to continue helping the thousands of Oklahomans who contact HeartLine every year.