Tutor Training – Online

OIC is offering an opportunity to become an Adult Literacy Tutor with OIC of Oklahoma County through online training.  Online training takes approximately 6 hours.  After completing the online training, an in-person meeting will be offered.  The follow-up will be offered every other month so that participants can become more familiar with printed materials and resources.  Additionally, new tutors will have an opportunity to learn more from current tutors and learners, ask about their experience, learn about goals, and hear their successes.

By offering online training, participants are able to complete the tutor learning experience at their own pace.  Should you have questions, call OIC’s Literacy Coordinator at 405.235.2351 for more details.


Begin with the Orientation Video to discover what tutoring looks like, the reasons why adults cannot read, and what you can do to help.


Here are your steps for online tutor training:


Go to the OIC Volunteer Application and forward to dcrook@oicokc.org.


Thank you for your interest and willingness to help someone  improve their learning skills!