OIC Graduation and Bedlam BAR-B-Q Luncheon!

Graduation Luncheon

Graduate lunch

DesJean Jones

OIC Graduates

Graduation Luncheon

Thank you Bedlam Bar B-Q!!

What a beautiful spring day for a patio luncheon. We are so thankful to our hosts at Bedlam BAR-B-Q who graciously donated lunch to honor our 2018 OIC Graduates.


It takes hard work, dedication, and literally thousands of hours for adult learners to reach their life goals and graduate. This reality combined with the complexity of adulting is an impressive example of how support and persistence can help anyone achieve what they want.

At OIC we encourage learners to dream big and set achievable goals. Every student will have a different action plan, and everyone’s journey will be different. Whether you want a GED or a Ph.D. OIC can help you with your next steps.


The mission of Opportunities Industrialization Center of Oklahoma County, Inc. (OIC) is to inspire and motivate adult learners through Academic and Career Education.

At OIC, it’s all about LIVES:






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