Is It Really Garden Time? Already??
It is hard to believe that it is time to prepare the Student Community Garden. Actually, our resident garden “Angel” volunteer, says that we are starting a bit late, oops!
We had a big donation of alpaca manure, which staff and students added to the garden. We want to thank our AmeriCorps Vista Member Rebekah Silverstein and Awesome Acres ‘Pacas & Pyrs’ for donating the plant food, our vegetables, herbs, and flowers will love this stuff.
Last year’s garden was a huge success. Students and volunteers enjoyed working in the garden and watching their time and labor investments turn into super delicious veggies. They were excited to work in the garden and share the food with their families. The monthly tastings that began last year have continued with a smoothie party/contest every Monday in March.
Of course, some of the obvious benefits where eating organic vegetables straight out of the ground. In addition, two students were unable to feed their families. They were given tomatoes, okra, lettuce and green peppers to take home, helping to ease their hunger for the night. Another benefit might surprise you. Students love getting their hands in the dirt – it helps them relax and relieve stress. Working in the garden was a nice break and they felt refreshed and ready to go back to class.
We have lots of plans and plants for this years’ garden. Stayed tuned for updates!
- Before
- Fresh alpaca manure
- After – freshly laid soil!